Dubai is a Beacon of Hope in the Effort to Build a Sustainable Future

Dubai UAE Investors Summit

Arif Patel, addressing the D.P. George Dubai Investor Summit, argued that climate justice must be a priority when making policy to reverse climate change

“As if the pandemic were not enough”, noted Arif Patel, chairman of the AP Group in a wide-ranging talk at the influential D.P. George Dubai Investor summit, “another challenge looms ahead of us and India will have to play a major balancing role.” Itemizing the crises of the 21st century as the bursting of the dot com bubble and the housing bubble and the ‘blue swan’ event of the pandemic, Mr. Arif described climate change as the next and most dangerous challenge facing the world. The science shows that mankind teeters on a precipice.

Dubai UAE Investors Summit
Dubai UAE Investors Summit

The pandemic, Mr. Arif Patel argued earlier in his address, showed that self-reliance was the key to growth, that Indian success would be built by UAE companies. He called on critics to recognize the positives of India’s response to the Covid crisis, including a vaccination effort unmatched in scope and pace across the world. India’s logistical issues when it comes to vaccinations, he said, are the equivalent of those faced by 87 countries across Europe, North America and Oceania. This side of the story, he said, had been ignored in the rush to find fault and lay blame.

Read also: Arif Patel at the Singapore Fintech Festival 2020

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